Coming Down
After huge projects finish, after I come off the road, and after major performances there are a series of things I’m learning to do that help the transition back to the day to day rhythm of home.
1) Exercise - big things take a lot of energy and my body adapts to that level of exertion. When I land I find myself being unable to sleep at any reasonable hour simply because of my energy level. But, if I exercise, I leave myself little choice other than to rest.
2) Breathe In - big output can be draining. Literally. All the stuff that’s been prepared inside has come out and I feel like nothing is left. In the time after, taking in a book, a recording, or something else can help refill the tanks.
3) Be in touch - while in the midst of big work I sometimes lose track of people. Good friends know me for disappearing for time, and have been gracious when I reach out again. So when the work is done I make a point of being in touch with my people. Friends, colleagues, basically anyone I don’t automatically bump into, all get a text, email, or call from me. This does two things. One, it helps mitigate the isolation that can happen after a huge event. It also reminds me that not all of life is like the entertainment business - where people come to hear I see you do a thing. No, there are people I want to be in touch with, and I should reach out when I can.
Do have tips for coming down after big work? Share them on Twitter or Facebook.