Your Lane
Everyone has a lane. Some of us are happy where we are. Some of us know the lane we’re in and want to be in another one. Either way the lane that we’re in is the one that we’re in. Opportunities may arise that will allow us to change our lane, but there is discernment here. One key challenge to watch out for is how other people view you and your lane.
The voice of others in our lives can be powerful, regardless of whether or not it is truthful. Guard your heart. Check what you’re hearing from others on the outside with what the still small voice is telling you on the inside. Check them all against what you believe to be true. Try not to let someone put you in a lane that’s not yours or keep you from a lane that is yours. The world is in need of you, in the lane you were designed to be in. Stay the course. Everyone will be better off for it.