White Blood Cells
When there is tragedy there are two questions. The one we ask most often is, “Why?” Why did our loved one get sick, why did this war happen, why is this pain here?
This question is posed to the highest most power of a given worldview - think God, the Universe, the Great Spirit - and every worldview attempts to solve this question in a multitude of ways.
But there is another question that we can ask. That is, “Where is the work?” Who needs to be cared for? What can be done right now? Where is the place I need to be in this moment? In this way our energy is focused on working to solve the issue.
In the human body white blood cells rush towards the area of pain/sickness/injury and do a particular work to heal the area. They don’t ask why the body got cut, sick, or otherwise hurt. They just go. What if we all acted like white blood cells in our own spheres of influence?