In this week’s Talking Note I shared an article I wrote in response to an online conversation hosted by the Veritas Forum. As I watched that conversation I was struck with the thought that something was missing. It wasn’t that something was wrong, but I felt that there was a voice that wasn’t being presented. I knew that voice intimately, so I ventured to present it.
In retrospect, I could have been resentful at the limited scope of the presentation, however I’ve come to honor the limitations we all have. Instead of being resentful, I took the responsibility to fill the gap. In my own journey I have experienced a similar shift. I used to pride myself on being open, seeing the widest array of possibilities, and looking for things where no one else looked. I thought I could cover all the bases – a common mistake of solopreneurs. In truth, it takes a few different people, a feeling of psychological safety, and the value of diversity of thought, to get to all the angels of a particular inquiry.
The same is true for the individual. It takes an honoring of what isn’t being said, giving attention to possible gaps in our own thinking, to experience growth. This is on of the questions I use to help me turn my attention towards such things:
What isn’t being said?