Safety and Sanctification
Safety is a good thing. It is the feeling of protection from all the things that would cause us harm. Shelter and clothing protect us from most elements. A gathering of people can protect us from the feeling of isolation.
Sanctification is a good thing. It is the continual process of formation, purification, and perfection. Revelations of who we are, intimate experiences of forgiveness, and dramatic change are all parts of the process. For some this process is unavoidable, for others we've only experienced parts of this journey.
To some degree we all desire both these things: Safety from harm and a more perfect heart, community, and world. Both are possible, but the order of their priority is important.
The pursuit of safety can keep us from the experiences of revelation, forgiveness, and change necessary for sanctification. We will find the walls around us so fortified that nothing and no one can enter in. If, in our deepest heart, there is a desire for sanctification, there will ultimately be a reordering of our priorities. Sanctification will come first. Safety will come second.