Remember Your People
Everyone’s shifting. We’re finding new ways of working, finding resources, staying in touch with friends. It can be a high stress situation. In such situations, I often have a tendency to hold up in my room, focus on work, and forget to be in touch with people I care about.
To counteract this I have a mental checklist (not a perfect system) of my people. The family and friends that I need to check-in with, even if they aren't checking in with me. Some are daily, some are every few days, some are weekly. Especially in times like these, I make sure to go through my list.
If I leave it to the momentum of the day, I’ll forget. I don't want to. It’s important to remember that we are fundamentally relational beings, and do what we can to maintain our relationships. Besides, we never know how much a simple “Checking in…” might mean to someone.
Have you been in touch with your people lately?