Nobody Cares What You Believe
No industry, institution, or system, is going to naturally bend to accommodate a personal conviction you might hold. No individual wrapped up in survival, is going to stop their pursuit for the sake of your belief. If nobody cares about what you believe, then you have to.
You have to reinforce the convictions you hold lest they are swept away by the current of popular culture. You have to remind yourself of what you believe to be true, lest it becomes confused with the lies that permeate societies. You have to embody the convictions you hold lest you are found to be a hypocrite - saying one thing, yet doing another.
Why? Because you are the only one who has been given those convictions in specific combination with your personality, gifts, and the time and place you’ve been placed. All of these things combined make you the perfect person for a particular work. But before you get to the work, you must be prepared. That preparation is in the reinforcement, reminding, and embodying. Then the real work starts.