My Favorite Place
I travel a lot. Because of this fact I am often asked where my favorite place is. That’s a difficult question. If I had to choose I’d much more enjoy the company of people to the beauty of a place. However the relation of people and places is super interesting. Even though we live in a world where travel is easier than ever, and cultural exchange happens at the speed of light online, geography still plays an intimate role in our everyday lives.
Our connection to a place may limit our reach, but gives us roots. It can frame our understanding of resources, and be our point of reference when discovering other places and relating to new people.
Whether we realize it or not our relationship to the places we inhabit effects us - both positively and negatively.
Traveling around the world teaching, performing, and speaking, in different places, I am often struck by the variety of feelings I find in every place. I’m also struck by the similarity of those feelings across all the places I’ve traveled. Everywhere I’ve been there are people who are working for survival, and those trying to thrive. Some are desiring to express themselves and wanting to be acknowledged, while others, angry at oppression, are attempting to make their slice of the world a better, more livable place.
While the beauty of nature and the energy of the city both have their purposes, I guess if I had to choose, my favorite place would be in the thick of the growth. The place that has been made, and designated for, the growth of people, the revealing of truth, and the sharing of provision — that would be my favorite place.