Everyone stands on something - a foundation that provides the undergirding for whatever they stand for.
Foundations vary. It could be our work - what we do. Our accomplishments - what we’ve been recognized for. Who we belong to - our community of peers. Our lineage - who we come from. Our geography - where we come from. Or most potently, our value set - what we believe or don’t believe.
Foundations inform identity, and when we feel personally offended it is our identity that is ultimately attacked, and our foundation that we use to defend and justify ourselves.
But look at the list above. All the examples are all self reflective. I am justified because I - do, have done, know people, come from this person or this place, or have this particular set of morals.
What if someone else did the justifying?
I wonder how interactions would change if our hearts were resting in the knowledge that we were already justified. What if we knew our justifier? No need for us to provide extra proof. The work already done. Everything else a response of gratitude and love. Wouldn’t that be a real change?