Iteration is a lovely exercise. Try something. Change a particular thing about it, and try it again. The core of the thing you’re trying remains the same (most often), but other things change.
In Tap Dance this happens a lot. When practicing a particular step, I try it first. Then I think about what I can do differently to execute the step more efficiently, with less stress, and in a way that the sounds can ring. Then I try the step again. The process happens hundreds of times and over the course of the hours, days, weeks, or even years before I really begin to feel like I’ve landed upon the initial idea of the step that I was given. The step has come to life.
Iteration in tap dance is easy. Iteration in life may be more difficult, but can still be pursued. Try something. Immediately think about things you might change the next time that particular thing comes about. Hold on to those ideas and recognize the next opportunity to apply them. Try it again with the new ideas.
In life it might be years between opportunities - it might be the next day. Or it might never happen again. Hold on to your thoughts. They may be for the next time, or they may be for sharing with someone else.
The key here is holding to a general goal, or value set, that guides your choices. Then your iteration has a direction, your trying different things for the sake of a goal, not just to see what happens.