All at once. That’s how I think I enjoy life. All at once. Unless I’m overwhelmed, that is. Then please give me the bite size pieces that are pre-cut and easy to chew. And while I’m the kind of guy who keeps his food separate in his plate, I do try to make sure that my plate’s content is balanced and well-rounded. How’s that for an analogy? ;-)
Integration is the practice of connecting all the things, such that a change in one must affect the other. Integrating what we believe matters most (our value set) with what we spend our time on, the projects we invest in, and the things we work to unveil, is one of the most important tasks set before us.
It's easier for things to remain separated. But without any integration there is outright hypocrisy. With integration that is faulty, there can be grace. With complete integration there is perfection.