I Don't Know, Part 1
Three words. Three very powerful words. They affirm our limited field of view. They remind us of our inability to have 100% assurance in all things at all times.
My father is a rock. He is the cornerstone of our family (although he would probably say that his faith and my mother are). Part of my father’s “rockiness” was his ability to always have a sense of what to do. He had answers.
Knowledge tends to hold a lot of weight in our culture. We have to know. Those who know, should be in positions of power. Without diminishing the value of knowledge, I’d like to offer another way.
As I grew up, and continued to look to my father as the model of what it meant to be a man, I was taken on a journey.
While occupying positions of responsibility, I was afforded many opportunities to share my process (which included a lot of not knowing). I was able to be publicly unsure. It was risky and vulnerable. It messed with a lot of people. Thankfully, I was able to bring people along for the journey of the discovery of ideas - from void, to inception, to crafting, and through failed attempts and shared successes.
The journey continues.
The more I grow, the less I know, and the folks who can handle my not knowing are the ones who seem to hang around.
To be continued...