Ending Debates
Some things shouldn't be up for debate, and if they come up, it should be ended. A method that is quick and succinct is preferred.
While it might be "fun" to deconstruct everything, to find holes in every framework, somethings remain true regardless.
A simple example is that tap dancing will always sound and feel better with a proper wood floor. Ask a dancer to perform on a painted surface, metal, plastic, or rubber, and it won’t be a good experience for anyone involved. The sounds will be muddled or sharp, the movement restricted or uncontrollable.
The “innovators” will say that by making such a statement I’m being a purist, nostalgic even.
I say, find me another instrument to play that does what a good wood floor does.
The conversation normally ends there.
Other areas have a similar dynamic. Always, when the truth is pointed to, the debate should end.