Either You Have It, Or Not
This idea gets batted around a lot, especially in the arts worlds. In general audiences easily recognize artists who have “it” - something completely different happens in the room when that artist with that thing comes out to play or share work.
This becomes a challenging concept if we think that when someone else has “it” that means that no one else can have “it” - or just because someone doesn’t have “it” now, it means that they will never have “it.” Both of these are false.
“It” is not some sort of mythic thing. It is simply a deep familiarity with what it means to be human, and a willingness to share that through whatever gifts ones has been given, and whatever form of expression one has been given an affinity towards.
Anyone can have “it” too, not just artists. “It” will show up in what they put their hands to, and how they relate to people.
Here’s an extra note: If you are in pursuit of “it” trust that you will find “it” although “it” may show up in unexpected ways and definitely in “it’s” own time.