Creator vs. Revealer
Creation presupposes that nothing existed prior to the making. Revelation presupposes that everything already exists, and is simply being revealed.
Being a creator presupposes we have the power to make something out of nothing. Being a revealer presupposes that the power we have is in being chosen to unveil - reveal and bring to the light - that which has been hidden until now.
The difference fundamentally shifts who holds the power to actually create - us or something/someone else. It changes our disposition as craft workers, artists, and entrepreneurs, from makers to seekers. The questions we ask at the beginning of the process, and throughout, change from, “What can I do?” to “What should I do?”
How we acknowledge those who will experience the output of our work is also changed. In a culture of creators the primary value of the work is placed on the creation itself. In a culture of revealers, the primary value of the work is placed on the effect of the revelation on others.
Some may disregard this as an unneeded debate over semantics. I would acknowledge the unusual specificity, but also the power of language in shaping way we see the world, and our role in it.