Care For, Consume, or Use
Those who care for material honor its creator, tend to it for the sake of its longevity, and feel a duty to teach it well.
Those who consume material simply eat it up, and then move on to the next thing. In the moment, there may be care, but it leaves once the consuming is done. There isn’t a vision of the necessity of longevity.
Those who use material, leverage their knowledge of the content for a gain that does not serve the material in any way. They don’t care for the material, honor the creators, or feel any duty to teach it well. They only care that the material provides what they desire - be it notoriety, financial gain, or something else.
Those who use material are manipulators and for all practical purposes destroyers of culture, by nature of them breaking the connection between the material and all people and values associated with that material.
Those who consume material are benign consumers, they buy in, fill themselves, and leave. The harm done here is the perpetuation of a consumer culture, and loss of vision for the future.
Those that care for the material simply care.
Now, go back and re-read this while replacing the word “material” with the word “people.”