Can I do Things Differently?
This might sound like an obvious question, but I’ve been asking it anyway. It gives me the opportunity to take a second look. So much is changing, taking a second look at the actual details is helping me see where the opportunities for real change actually are.
Backstory: A lot of my life is either in front of a computer (email, video editing, writing, etc.), on the boards (tap dancing practice, rehearsal, etc.), or with people (the Table, coaching, speaking, performing, etc.). As kind of experiment, I’ve also been holding one-on-one online tap dance coaching sessions via Bluejeans video conferencing.
As I take a step back and look at what is really different in my life today there isn’t much. I still sit at my computer, and practice on a board. I still teach one-on-one online lessons.
What has changed, and has opened the opportunity for more change, is the kind of gatherings I’m involved in. I’m much more flexible with where I practice. The friends and family I’m in touch with is now more diverse. The kinds of performances that are available are totally new. Even The Table is online now. My daily routine has been broken wide open, too.
In this moment - when the context upon which we base some of our fundamental frameworks shifts underneath us - we can take the opportunity to shift with it.
So I ask myself: What can I do differently now, that I wouldn’t have thought of before?
What can you do differently?