This is the last AtQ for the year, and it’s rather poignant to land on this topic. Love is the most powerful experience any human being can encounter. We know it when we see it. We sometimes know it when it happens with us. We learn about how to be a proponent of it, a worker for it, and an embodiment of it. From a coaching perspective, the reconciling power of love, to remind us of how we are meant to be with, can be transformative. The pressures of life, achievement, even change can ease under the yoke of love. But how do we come to know what love is?
This week’s question is just a starter, as love is a life-long pursuit. When starting anything, we have to begin from where we are, not where we think we should be, or where someone else is. This is true especially with love. So we begin with this question:
What does love look like to you?
Love isn’t meant to be esoteric, somehow uncatchable, fleeting, or merely theoretical. It can be earthy, personal, evolving, and describable – just as we are. There are three aspects to this question that can help us bring a more complete mental picture of love. We’ll explore each aspect next.