Access and Trust
We live in a world in which access is assumed. The internet has provided the building blocks upon which this assumption has flourished. We now take issue with the hiding of information, seemingly unfair pay walls, and of course the outright denial of access.
But there is another approach. Especially when considering information of value. Things that have been entrusted are not easily given away, nor should they be considered “all access”. When considering entrusted wisdom, understanding, or information, before it is shared the parties must come to a certain level of agreement around the possible use of whatever will be shared. They must establish trust.
This trust underlies all future interactions. It comes around when corrections need to be made. It holds the community together as growing pains are experienced. Without this trust, providing access will always feel like too much giving. Too much vulnerability.
The thing with all of this is discerning what information needs to be kept and what needs to be shared, and when. That demands some wisdom, and maybe another day or two of notes 😃