360 Degrees
Three hundred and sixty degrees takes you all the way around. It’s a complete circle. In contract language its a reference to the encompassing of all aspects of ones business. In camera’s it’s the kind of camera that sees in all directions, literally. But no human being is 360.
Very few human beings are complete. Many of us still have blind spots. And dig this: If we are complete than our individual completeness trends to loneliness (incompleteness) unless we find other complete human beings to share our completeness with.
So why, in so many other ways, do we attempt to encompass all things. We try to do everything at work, or be everything to everyone all the time. Even corporations trend towards encompassment (see: Amazon, Google, etc.).
Isn’t it enough to execute your specific role well? Or be the thing you can be for the person in front of you right now? In that way, we’ll all be filling in our part of the circle at the right time. Wouldn’t that be a beautiful image?